2020 Nanhua University Newsletter
Nanhua University Newsletter
The University would like to thank all faculty members and administrative staff for their hard work in 2019, and for actively promoting the Three Acts of Goodness and Sustainable Campus initiatives. In the past year, we have received several important awards, these include: the School Social Responsibility Award from the Mirror Post (Hong Kong), the Sustainability Excellence Award from the British Standards Institution (BSI), the Gold Award in the Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Report category and the Taiwan Top 50 Corporate Sustainability Award from the Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE), and the first ever Gold Award in the National Corporate Environmental Protection Award from the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan. These awards are a testament to everyone’s dedication and commitment in pursuing academic excellence as well as your tireless efforts to adapt and innovate to ensure a brighter future for the University.
In December of every year, the University holds a coming-of-age ceremony devoted to filial piety, which is a traditional event that is spiritually uplifting and inspiring to students and parents alike. In addition to over 1,200 local students in attendance at this year’s event, over 200 foreign students from all corners of the world also attended, and over 600 parents bore witness to their child’s transition to adulthood. With tears of emotion abound, the ceremony left a lasting impression of joy and gratitude on all those present. Emotional scenes of embrace between underprivileged students and parents were particularly touching to all. The event provided an exceptional life experience of respect and filial duties at its finest.
The primary goal of the College of Arts and Design is to train students to develop their talents in artistic designs. The College has used digital technology media to improve students’ design capabilities, which will allow opportunities for collaboration with relevant industries, as well as open doors to internship possibilities. At the moment, the University has signed 361 academia-industry agreements with firms in the industry. This has opened up further opportunities for students to align their studies with market demand and to learn on the job through internship programs. In addition, the Department of Natural Biotechnology has positioned itself at the forefront of agricultural biotechnology with the completion of the brand-new Plant Factory laboratory. To further advance crop and food production with cutting edge technology, four interdisciplinary courses were established with the Plant Factory laboratory serving as the center for digital innovation, these include: Hi-Tech Agriculture and Plant Factories, Science of Food and Cooking, Healthy Recipe E-book, and Smart Farm Social Media Marketing. The Plant Factory utilizes automatic cultivation systems to grow high quality crops, completely eliminates pesticide usage, and recycles 97% of the water used to significantly improve production efficiency.
Attracting foreign students to advance internationalization and diversification of the campus is a strategic goal of the University. This year, there are 806 foreign students from 22 countries studying at Nanhua University. We have also attracted talented professors from the US, UK, India, Australia, and Japan to teach at the University. President Tsong-Ming Lin puts particular emphasis to meet with faculty members, administrative staff, and students to encourage them to broaden their horizons, enrich their experiences, and share their knowledge to develop Nanhua into a talent hub of the global village.


2)107-12-8 成年禮


4)Formal Dinner 外籍教授與校長有約餐敘